
Acorns is now a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, or a CIO, and the trustees are vital to the smooth running of a Pre-School; Winsley Acorns depends very much on the goodwill and involvement of parents. Without the trustees, Acorns would not be able to operate and would have to close. We hold termly meetings and an Annual General Meeting in September when new trustee members are elected.

Chair – Becky Strike
Other members:
Jo Forbes, Jay Palmer, Chloe Kershaw and Hayley Sutherland.

Why you might join the trustees?
If you are interested in learning new skills, would like to meet new people and or would like to share your skills, time and ideas with others, then joining the trustees may be right up your street!
We are a CIO run by an elected group of volunteers, mostly made up of parents of children attending the Pre-School.

It's not a huge commitment and you can volunteer for whatever role interests you most. Not only is being part of the CIO a truly valuable role, it is also hugely rewarding and great fun. It will also give you the opportunity to become more practically and actively involved in your child's early years' education. The important thing is, you don’t need any direct experience to make a difference.


What's involved?
Trustee members are the charity trustees of the pre-school and together they are responsible for the overall management and smooth-running of Acorns. The trustees work in tandem with the Pre-School staff to ensure the smooth running of the Pre-School.
We hold termly meetings to plan fundraising events, check the budget remains on track and ensure that the needs of all children and staff are being met. It’s a great way to get to know the staff better and to meet other parents over a cup of tea!! (or an occasional glass of wine!)

What are the roles?

Chair Person
The chair represents and acts as a spokesperson for the pre-school. They chair all CIO meetings and general meetings, including the Annual General Meeting (AGM); assisting the secretary with setting the agenda for these meetings. The chair also co- ordinates the work of the trustees to ensure effective administration, line manages the Pre-school Leader, supports other trustee members and authorises the work of the Treasurer.

Prepares or assists in preparing in advance an annual budget for the Pre-School and monitors it regularly. Monitors the Pre-School’s bank accounts, opens new accounts if required and changes signatories when required. Signs cheques jointly with the Administrator or other nominated trustee members. Keeps accounts of all income and expenditure and keeps the trustees aware of the financial position of the Pre-School by providing a statement of the finances at every meeting. Arranges to have the accounts audited and presents them at the AGM. Arranges for accounts to be filed and records updated at the Charities Commission.

Our fundraisers do an amazing job coordinating fundraising and social events each term. This is a fun and rewarding role that directly benefits your children as all funds raised are spent on toys and equipment for Acorns. Publicity, applying for licenses, gift gathering and delegating roles in order to run a successful and profitable event are some of the things you will have chance to be involved in.

Non-elected members
If you want to be part of the fundraising events and other Pre-school functions without being committed to a post, please put your name forward for you to be called upon by one of the trustee members.

If you would like any more information about what's involved or would like to volunteer for the Committee in any role, no matter how large or small, please speak with one of the committee or contact us at Acorns. We very much look forward to welcoming all new volunteers.

Anyone is welcome to join our next committee meeting to find out what it’s all about. Please could you let us know in advance if you would like to come by emailing Hayley -